Oslo Durgotsav

Durga Puja in Oslo

Durga Puja is the celebration of the glory of victory of Goodness over the Evil. With years, Durga Puja has become synonymous with the festivity. It is the time when people come closer and celebrate the joy of togetherness.

Come and experience the festivity of Durga Puja at Oslo Durgotsav offering Limited Free Entry For Darshan(with prior Registration), Celebrity Performance, Pujor Bhog, Food Stall, Professional Cultural Events, Dandiya Raas and many more.

It’s our pleasure to invite you to the biggest of the festivals for us Bengalis, Durga Puja.

Website: www.oslodurgotsav.com

Venue Address: Lilleaker Folkets Hus, Ørakerveien 30, 0284 Oslo

Emon Chatterjee

Oslo Durgotsav 2018

Ujjawini Mukherjee

Oslo Durgotsav 2019

Anjan Dutt

Oslo Durgotsav 2022

Arko Mukherjee

Oslo Durgotsav 2023